

Makink of XVI

XVI EUROPE THEATRE PRIZE, Roma 12 – 17 December 2017

King Lear

“King Lear” by William Shakespeare, directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti

Meeting with the critical

Meeting with the Critical Stage

Meeting with the AICT

Meeting “L’avenir de la critique dramatique et les stages pour jeunes critiques” (AICT)

Meeting on the 50th of bitef

Meeting on the 50th anniversary of BITEF

Conversation with barberio Corsetti

Conversation with Giorgio Barberio Corsetti

Conversation with Sciarroni

Conversation with Alessandro Sciarroni

No 43 N099

“NO43 – Filth”, directed by Ene-Liis Semper and Tiit Ojasoo – Theatre NO99

Meeting on Jernej Lorenci

Meeting on Jernej Lorenci

Conversation with theatre N099

Conversation with Theatre NO99

Meeting on Kirill Serebrennikov

Meeting on Kirill Serebrennikov

Peter Stain Richard

“Richard II” by William Shakespeare, directed by Peter Stein

Meeting with Fadhel Jaibi

Conversation with Fadhel Jaibi (SPECIAL MENTION XVI ETP)

Meeteng with whole Soyinka

Conversation with Wole Soyinka (SPECIAL PRIZE XVI ETP)

Susanne Kennedy

Conversation with Susanne Kennedy

Meeting with Jael Ronen

Conversation with Yael Ronen

Meeting on Jeremy Irons

Meeting on Jeremy Irons

Meeting with Jeremy Iron

Conversation with Jeremy Irons

Susanne Kennedy virgin suicides

“Virgin Suicides”, directed by Susanne Kennedy

Yael Ronen Roma armee

“Roma Armee”, directed by Yael Ronen

Conversation with Isabelle Huppert

Award Ceremony


Jeremy Irons riceve il Premio Europa per il Teatro (ZERKALO-Spettacolo)

Isabelle Huppert riceve il Premio Europa per il Teatro (ZERKALO-Spettacolo)

XVI Premio Europa per il Teatro – Jeremy Irons, Isabelle Huppert, Susanne Kennedy, Alessandro Sciarroni – RETROSCENA (TV2000)

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