

XI EUROPE THEATRE PRIZE, Thessaloniki, 26 – 29 April 2007

Opening Ceremony XI Europe Theatre Prize

“Long Life” by Alvis Hermanis

Conference and Meeting with Alvis Hermanis

Conference and Meeting on Biljana Srbljanovic

Ivan Medenica interviews Thomas Ostermeier on Biljana Srbljanovic’s work

Manfred Beilhartz on Biljana Srbljanovic’s work

Meeting with Biljana Srbljanovic

Reading of excerpts from the works of Biljana Srbljanovic

“Locusts” by Biljana Srbljanovic, directed by Dejan Mijac

Symposium “Robert Lepage: The visionary from Quebec City”

Excerpts from Robert Lepage’s works

Michel Vaïs interviews Robert Lepage

Symposium “Peter Zadek: the director – and the imagination of the actors”

Award Ceremony XI Europe Theatre Prize – IX Europe Prize Theatrical Realities

“Peer Gynt” by Henrik Ibsen, directed by Peter Zadek

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